L.A. Grinding is proud to offer an extensive inventory of male slotters in California, Nevada and in Arizona. Not only do we supply our CA, NV and AZ customers with the most technologically advanced slotters but we also sharpen these slotters to perfection. Many businesses have come to rely on L.A. Grinding for all of their corrugated slotter and sharpening needs.
Using the highest quality tool steels, L.A. Grinding’s “smooth cut” design, combined with a sharper edge, provides our customers with a cleaner cut and edge life that will last 2-3 times longer than a traditional male slotter.
L.A. Grinding currently offers male slotters for the following machines:
- Akebono
- Alto
- Ametek
- Bendazolli
- Bobst
- Bostitch
- Curioni
- Emba
- Flex-O-Line
- Gandossi-Fosatti
- Global
- Gopfert
- Grant
- Hamada
- Ishikawa
- Isowa
- Japan Flexo
- Koppers
- Koppers Motorized
- Langston
- Langston Greenwood
- Martin
- Massenzana
- Mitsubishi
- Mitsubishi-Langston
- Piemonte
- Prime
- Progressive
- Rapidex
- S&S
- SE Chang
- Serenco
- Simon Hooper
- Staley
- Staude
- Strobel
- Sun
- Tecasa
- Toyo
- United Robotics
- Ward
- Ward F&E

L.A. Grinding offers our CA, NV and AZ customers guidance in selecting the right industrial slotters for the cutting job, matching the right male slotter to your needs. To learn about our selection of female slotters, please click here.
If you are based in California, Arizona or in Nevada and you need to purchase or sharpen a male slotter, contact us today for immediate service and consultation.