Cutoff Knives
LA Grinding is proud to offer top-quality cutting knives (cutting knives, perforated blades, perf blades, tooth knives, cross perforated knives, crossperf knives) for any conceivable industrial use. Our large inventory contains plenty of high quality web press serrated edge cutoff knives to fit most makes and models of pressing machines.

- We manufacture over 40 types of cutoff knives in 8,10,12 and 16 teeth per inch.
- Custom designed cutoff knives manufactured to order in minimum time.
- Purchase a cutoff knife from us and we guarantee against future bowing (bending). Contact us for details.
- Cutoff knives are machined and precision ground to OEM specifications.
- Form ground tooth profiles to assure consistent size and burr-free cutting knife edges.
- Tooth forms in Rip Saw and V-Tooth styles serrated and beveled, one or both sides of the cutoff knife.
We also offer full sharpening services to ensure the high performance of all your cutoff knives. LA Grinding will sharpen your cut-off knives, reconditioning perf blades to their original density and hand-sharpen them to eliminate burrs and wire edges. Here is a list of some presses that we make cutoff knives for:
- Baker Perkins
- Butler
- Cerutti
- Custom-Bilt
- Goss
- Hantscho
- Heidelberg
- Motter
- Toshiba
- Wood-Hoe

Ink Wash Up Blades
Together with strong chemical resistance to today’s aggressive inks and solvents, our blades have proven their high quality both to the original equipment manufacturer and to the end users.

- Quick wash-up performance.
- Specifically formulated rubber to ensure maximum performance and wear resistance.
- Unique bonding process between metal and rubber so that there is never a bond failure.
- Sharp and perfectly straight wiping edge.
- Specially treated metal for maximum corrosion resistance.
- Safe metal parts so that there are no sharp edges or burrs.
- Shipment available within 24 hours on standard and specialty parts.
- We can fit every press in your shop.
L.A. Grinding manufactures blades for the following sheet-fed and web-offset presses:

- AB Dick
- Adast
- Akira
- Akiyama
- AM
- Arrow
- Ashton
- ATF Chief
- Aurelia
- Baker Perkins
- BFI Inoprint
- Bover-Star
- Cameron
- Chambon
- Champion
- Clary
- Consolidated
- Crabtree-Falcon
- Dalgren
- Davidson
- Dev-Horizon
- Didde-Glasser
- Drent
- Dutro
- Ebco
- F.A.G.
- Fuji
- Gallus
- Gestener
- Goebel
- Goss
- Halm
- Hamada

- Hamilton Stevens
- Hantscho
- Harris
- Hashimoto
- Heath
- Heidelberg
- Hess & Baker
- Hitachi
- Hoe
- Imperial
- Itek
- Kidder
- King
- Koenig & Bauer
- Komori
- Kopac
- Magnum
- Mailander
- Man Roland
- Mergenthaler
- Miller
- Mitsubishi
- Miya-koshi
- Mona
- Morgan
- Mueller-Martini
- Multi
- Nebiolo
- Oliver
- Omsca
- Omni Adast

- Pavano
- Planeta
- Quadra
- Roland
- Rotaprint
- Royal Zenith
- Ryobi
- Sakurai
- Sanden
- Sanki
- Schriber
- Shinohara
- Shiva
- Solna
- S & S
- Stevens
- Strachen-Henshaw
- Taiyo
- Timsons
- Toko
- Toppan-Moore
- Toshiba
- Ukita
- Vandercook
- Waldron
- Web Leader
- Webendorfer
- Western Gear
- Whittaker
- Winkler-Donnebier